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Artist and Photographer
London UK


Duncan Reynolds Painter
Duncan Reynolds Painting
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Here in the UK we are blessed with ever changing seasons, leading to the stereotypical view of the British people's fascination with 'the weather'.

I find myself looking up to the sky, watching the clouds, trying to predict the days weather.

Armed with my sketchbook, I am drawn to the mountains and coasts, always looking for my next inspiration.


I am a painter, photographer and camera operator with a keen eye for detail.

I like to experience new things in life. I love to travel, including two round the world trips in 1994 and 1996, and more recently shorter trips to countries like, India, Morocco and Israel, immersing myself in the culture and customs of these amazing destinations.

For a lot of my life painting has taken a back seat, as work and life generally kept me pretty busy. I found myself constantly complaining about not having time to paint. I know now this was just a lazy excuse. 

At the end of 2017 my situation changed, the TV Studio where I worked closed down. I'm now working freelance so any excuses I had left have disappeared and I can spend more time painting, hooray!

​I studied fine art painting in Falmouth, which culminated with my first solo painting exhibition in 1994, in Falmouth Art Centre, Cornwall. It featured all the paintings I had created during my studies, a collection of moody landscapes depicting many of Cornwall's ancient stones, and a couple of Stonehenge, because if you are going to paint stone monuments these have to be included. These paintings can be found on the 1994 EXHIBITION page.


Through the rest of 90's I continued to paint sporadically, whilst working and partying, a few paintings exist from this period and will hopefully get to feature in my galleries here soon... 

In the 00's I concentrated on my career and very rarely painted and when I did many where left half-finished.

I plan to make up for these 'lost years' by painting as much as possible, going out to sketch every week, improving and learning.


My work as a Freelance Cameraman/Set Co-ordinator in the TV industry means I am based in London. This is a bit of a problem, not much in the way of scenic landscapes... But having more time and my trusty(ish) Mazda Bongo camper enables me to head to the hills every other week.

In my TV career I have gained experience as a hothead and pedestal camera operator, camera assistant, scenic charge-hand/rigger, standby carpenter and art department.

Before this I was a freelance fencing contractor, carpet fitter, delivery driver and started out working on a fruit and veg stall in Salisbury Market.

So this is where my journey has brought me to today, creating this website to share my work.

My next steps? I hope to organise another exhibition of my artwork and will be spending lots of time creating more paintings

I studied at Falmouth College of Art and Design, Salisbury College of Art and De Montfort University, Leicester.

In 2004 I officially became a member of Mensa.


Tel: 07887 90 20 90


Based in London, UK.



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